Welcome to the Rowan Organisation
The Rowan Organisation is a leading provider of Direct Payments, Personal Budgets and Personal Health Budgets support services in England and Wales. We are a User Led Organisation (ULO), Registered Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee which provides support to disabled people, families and children, older people, carers and people with health needs from birth to end of life in order to maximise their opportunity for independence.
For more information regarding our support please contact us.
Supporting Independence
Do you need support to live independently?
If so you may be able to access an independent living scheme. Independent Living is about people being in control of the support they receive in order to achieve their desired outcomes. The funding for your support may come from: Direct Payments, Personal Budgets, Personal Health Budgets, Citizen and Self Directed Support, or Self-funding. These are alternative ways of receiving support instead of, or in addition to, your Local Authority or Health Provider arranging services for you. The Rowan Organisation offers a range of Services to assist you with managing your support.
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PA Register
Register your details if you are interested in becoming a Personal Assistant (PA) for the people we support.

Find PA vacancies in your area. For these vacancies the individual would be your employer.

Interested in working for The Rowan Organisation? You can find our latest vacancies here.